Upcycled Jar

I usually buy my coconut oil from Trader Joe's. It comes in a mason jar without imprinted letters so I thought it would be the perfect jar to up cycle into a pencil can or paintbrush holder for my craft supplies. Turns out it was. Not that I have anything against regular mason jars or anything, I just wanted a clean finish. I really like how it turned out. This is just one of the many ways a mason jar  or an old glass container can be remade, refashioned, and upcycled into something almost new.

Upcycled Jar

  • A clear glass jar (any size)
  • acrylic paint in one or many colors
  • a paper plate  and newspapers or something for draining the paint out of the jar
  • a paint brush to paint the inside of the rim

All you need is a clear glass jar and as many acrylic paints as you would like plus something to drain paint on. I chose several different colors so I could achieve a blended effect. Just turn the jar sideways and start adding small squeezes color to the top inside just below the rim then mix, swirl, and rotate the jar all around until you have full coverage.  Do not use a brush or touch the paint. After you have coated the entire inside, flip the jar upside down and drain the excess paint. I used a paper plate and some newspapers.  Flip the jar upright and use a brush to paint the rim. I allowed my jar to dry our for 4 days to ensure it was truly dry before use. I also touched up the inside of the rim after it dried out and allowed it to dry for an additional day. In my photos, you will notice the jar looks sticky from the original label. It was hard to remove the label glue so I just left it until I was done since I only painted the inside of the jar. I actually used WD-40 to remove the sticky leftover glue since soap and water, a magic eraser, or a sponge wouldn't do the trick. (Just be cautious as it is flammable.)

created and photographed by: Julie Hodges


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